Erasmus Policy Statement 2021- 2027
Internationalisation, innovation in education, continuous staff development, equipping students with key competences as well as scientific excellence are at the heart of AHE strategy and the implementation of the Erasmus Programme will significantly contribute to achieving these goals. Not only it is due to the fact that nowadays World imposes on educational institutions to be active members of international community, but it is also due to tangible results that Erasmus Programme spreads across all pillars of educational structure.
First of all, the Erasmus Programme will facilitate the international mobility of students and staff as well as cross-border transfer of knowledge, skills, research ideas, publications, best practices in education, all of which will build a strong international profile of AHE. Moreover, the Erasmus Programme will support the process of internationalisation “at home”, increasing the number of foreign members of academic community and building cultural diversity of the university, widening the catalogue of courses offered in foreign languages, boosting linguistic and cross-cultural competences of didactical and administrative staff, adjusting study programmes to the requirements of the global job market. The Erasmus Programme will moreover support innovative practices in education. Participation in Erasmus Partnerships for Cooperation and for Innovation will concentrate on such aspects as: digitalisation, implementing new tools, techniques and methods in education, re-defining the teachers’ role, creating new curricula and courses, intensifying university-industry cooperation.
Increased participation in mobility and cooperation projects will support AHE staff in boosting their professional competences, mainly their linguistic, intercultural, scientific, didactical and management skills. Highly-qualified employees will directly contribute to modernisation of the University in all areas: didactics, effective management, quality assurance, research.
Developing key competences among students is another strategic goal, that will be achieved with the support of Erasmus Programme. Providing high-quality education focused on development of such skills as: entrepreneurship, creativity, civic awareness, active citizenship, cross-cultural awareness, multilingualism and digital literacy is the key goal for AHE. This will be achieved by several Erasmus activities, namely: intensified mobility participation of students, new study programmes focusing on development of key competences, increased participation in Partnership projects of students and staff, increased participation of staff in international training activities, visits of foreign experts, teachers and staff. We hope to constantly work towards growing numbers of participants benefiting from these activities in order to increase the full swing of the new Programme well before 2027. AHE’s objective is to increase these numbers by 20- 30% compering to the years 2014-2020.
The Erasmus Programme will also support science and research at AHE. Cross-border transfer of academic teachers, students, PhD candidates will permit to exchange international experience, research ideas, publications and to create long-term relations, build trust and commitment among partners from EU and non-EU countries.
We believe, that the implementation of the Erasmus Programme actions in compliance with the Charter principles and in line with AHE institutional strategy will permit our University to play significant role in building of the European Education Area.